Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"Still too cold," says Green Tea Lady.

The mountain regions of the Aichi Prfecture Japan are still a bit chilly for a good hatch, according to the local farmers. Coming off the back of a NZ season meant the legs and casting were still fairly in-tune. For my fishing buddies it was a slightly rusty start to the season as they shook off their winter chills. The casting was soon up to scratch, but the river feet took a while to engage. I had forgotten the feeling of a 3 weight and I broke several flies off as the 5x tippet gave way. Bill, Shouzo, Sugita and I had a great day on the river.

Sugita points to a successful lie from last year.

The feet feel good from last year.

A local who knows the river.

Sugita finds his feet.

Bill with early season tangles.

Shouzo helps out.

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